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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - hologram


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Перевод с английского языка hologram на русский

голограмма to construct (to form) a hologram — формировать голограмму, голографировать - aberrated hologram - aberration-free hologram - absorption hologram - achromatic fringe hologram - acoustical hologram - acoustic hologram - addressing hologram - amplitude-modulation hologram - amplitude hologram - amplitude-phase hologram - analog hologram - angularly encoded holograms - aplanatic hologram - astigmatic hologram - axial hologram - back-reference beam hologram - bandwidth reduced hologram - beat frequency hologram - bichromated gelatin hologram - binary hologram - black-and-white hologram - bleached hologram - Bragg-effect hologram - Bragg hologram - bright-field hologram - carrier frequency hologram - coded hologram - code-transform hologram - coding reference beam hologram - coherent hologram - colored hologram - color hologram - color encoded hologram - color encode hologram - complementary hologram - complex hologram - composite hologram - compound-image hologram - computed hologram - contact-copy hologram - continuous-exposure hologram - contour hologram - copied hologram - coupling hologram - dark-field hologram - data hologram - deep hologram - deflecting hologram - Denisyuk hologram - denser hologram - developed hologram - dichromatic hologram - difference frequency hologram - diffused hologram - diffuse hologram - digitally generated hologram - digitized hologram - diminished hologram - discrete-point hologram - discriminating hologram - displacement hologram - Doppler-imaged hologram - double-exposed hologram - double-exposure hologram - double-pulse hologram - double-recorded hologram - duplicated hologram - electrically erasable hologram - electron hologram - embossed hologram - encoded hologram - enlarged hologram - erasable hologram - evanescent waves hologram - evanescent hologram - exposed hologram - far-field hologram - ferroelectric hologram - filtered hologram - fine detailed hologram - flat substrate hologram - focused-image hologram - Fourier-transform hologram - Fourier hologram - Fraunhofer diffraction hologram - Fraunhofer hologram - frequency encoded hologram - Fresnel diffraction hologram - Fresnel hologram - frozen-fringe hologram - full channel hologram - full color hologram - full view hologram - Gabor-type hologram - Gabor hologram - gamma-ray hologram - ghost hologram - gray hologram - high bit-density hologram - high-contrast hologram - high-efficiency hologram - highly redundant hologram - high-resolution hologram - high storage-density hologram - horizontal parallax only hologram - horizontal parallax hologram - image hologram - image plane hologram - incoherent hologram - infinite fringe hologram - in-focus hologram - infrared hologram - in-line hologram - in-situ developing hologram - instant hologram - interference hologram - ionic hologram - isoplanatic hologram - large-aperture hologram - laser hologram - latent hologram - Leith-Upatnieks hologram - lens-assisted hologram - lensless hologram - light hologram - line hologram - linearly recorded hologram - Lippmann-Bragg hologram - liquid hologram - liquid-crystal hologram - low-noise hologram - magnetic hologram - magnetooptic hologram - magnified hologram - master hologram - memory hologram - microscopic hologram - microwave hologram - mixed hologram - monochrome hologram - multichannel hologram - multicolor hologram - multiexposed hologram - multiple-exposed hologram - multiple hologram - multiple-exposure hologram - multiple-object beam hologram - multiple-phase hologram - multiplexed hologram - multiplex hologram - multiplexing hologram - near-field hologram - nonlinearly recorded hologram - nonoptical hologram - nonredundant hologram - OBJECT-BEAM CODED HOLOGRAM - off-axis hologram - offset hologram - on-axis hologram - optical hologram - optically erasable hologram - optically formed hologram - optically generated hologram - optically recorded hologram - original hologram - overdeveloped hologram - overexposed hologram - panoramic hologram - phase hologram - phase-contrast hologram - phase-modulated hologram - phase-modulating hologram - photochromic hologram - photoetched hologram - photographic hologram - photopolymer hologram - photoreduced hologram - planar hologram - plane hologram - polarization hologram - postexposure hologram - preexposure hologram - primary color hologram - processed hologram - pulsed laser hologram - radar hologram - rainbow hologram - readable hologram - reconstructed hologram - recorded hologram - reduced bandwidth hologram - redundant hologram - reference hologram - reflectance hologram - reflection-reconstructed hologram - reflection hologram - reflection-reflection hologram - reflection-transmission hologram - reflective-type hologram - reflective hologram - refractive beam hologram - relief hologram - replicated hologram - ring hologram - sampled hologram - sample hologram - sampling hologram - scalar hologram - scaled hologram - scale hologram - scanned detector hologram - scanned source hologram - secondary hologram - sector-scan hologram - self-developing hologram - sequentially exposed hologram - single-color hologram - single-exposed hologram - single-layer hologram - slightly overlapping holograms - slit hologram - sound wave hologram - sound hologram - space-division multiplexed hologram - spatial carrier hologram - spatial frequency encoded hologram - speckle-free hologram - spectroscopic hologram - spherical substrate hologram - split-beam hologram - stereographic hologram - strip hologram - strobed hologram - stroboscopic hologram - subchannel hologram - superimposed holograms - surface hologram - surface-relief hologram - thermally developed hologram - thermally erasable hologram - thermochromic hologram - thermoplastic hologram - thick hologram - thick-coated hologram - thick film hologram - thin hologram - thin film hologram - three-dimensional hologram - three-exposure hologram - time-averaged hologram - time-multiple-exposure hologram - total internal reflection hologram - total reflection hologram - transmission-reflection hologram - transmission-transmission hologram - transmissive hologram - transparent hologram - true color hologram - two-beam hologram - two-color hologram - two-dimensional hologram - two-exposure hologram - unbleached hologram - underdeveloped hologram - underexposed hologram - undersampled hologram - uniaxial hologram - visible-light hologram - volume hologram - white-light hologram - wide-angle hologram - xerographic hologram - X-ray hologram - zone plate hologram
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  голограмма – acoustical hologram – black-and-white hologram – coded hologram – color hologram – computer-generated hologram – image hologram – long-wave hologram – low-noise hologram – microwave hologram – RF hologram – thick hologram – transmission hologram – volume hologram ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  голограмма carrier frequency hologram — голограмма на несущей частоте highly redundant hologram — голограмма с высокой избыточностью pure phase hologram — чистофазовая голограмма - Fresnel hologram - aberrated hologram - absorption hologram - animated hologram - binary hologram - computed hologram - computer-synthesized hologram - erasable hologram - gamma-ray hologram - high-resolution hologram - hologram illumination - hologram photoplate - hologram playback - illuminate hologram - lensless hologram - liquid hologram - master hologram - multicolor hologram - multiexposed hologram - multiplex hologram - off-axis hologram - phase-contrast hologram - photochromic hologram - point hologram - reconstructed hologram - reconstruction of hologram - record hologram - recorded hologram - redundant hologram - reflectance hologram - single-layer hologram - still hologram - superimposed hologram - two-frequency hologram - unbleached hologram - uniaxial hologram - visible-light hologram - volume hologram ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. физ. голограмма ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun phys. голограмма ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. Physics 1 a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a coherent light source. 2 a photograph of the interference pattern, which when suitably illuminated produces a three-dimensional image. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1949 a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of radiation (as a laser); also the pattern of interference itself ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (holograms) A hologram is a three-dimensional photographic image created by laser beams. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n a kind of photograph made with a laser that looks as if it is not flat when you look at it from an angle ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1949, coined by Hungarian-born British scientist Dennis Gabor, 1971 Nobel prize winner in physics for his work in holography, from Gk. holos "whole" (in sense of three-dimensional) + -gram. Holography is 1964 from hologram on analogy of telegraphy/telegram. Holograph "written wholly in one's own hand" is 1623 from L.L. holographus, from Gk. holographos, from holos "whole" + graphos "written." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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